This project was funded by a CANWA Catalyst grant, an Indigenous Languages and Arts grant and an Atlas Helping Hands grant. In-kind support was also provided by Catercare (Millenium Minerals) in the form of art supplies and lunch on Day 3. Terra Rosa Consulting provided project support and fundraising.
The aim of this project was to go on-country over three days with a group of artists of different ages to create a large collaborative painting to pass down important cultural knowledge for younger generations. The project occurred on the last two days of school holidays, so 27 Nullagine children were able to take part also.
The Irrungadji group decided to complete their artwork at Garden Pool. They wanted to paint the story of the four skin groups – Milangka, Karimarra, Banaga and Burungu. The elders felt it was important to teach the school-age children who didn’t know their skin group or the meanings. On the final day, the Skin Groups painting was presented at the Nullagine school where children arranged themselves into their skin groups around the painting to demonstrate their cultural knowledge.